Visual Abilities Assessments
We offer assessments for:
Often with amblyopia and strabismus, binocular vision isn’t as strong as it could be, as one eye is taking on most (if not all) of the visual load. People with amblyopia and strabismus can experience an eye turn, blur of one eye, difficulty with depth perception, excessive head movement when reading, slow reaction time, headaches, decreased academic endurance, poor attention skills, motion sickness.
In your assessment, Dr. Corriveau will evaluate you/your child’s visual skills (tracking, changing focus, binocular vision, etc.) and will determine either a lens prescription that best allows your eyes to team together and/or if a vision therapy program would be right for you.
This assessment is usually about 60minutes long for children and adults alike.
School and Work Performance
Are you having difficulties at work? Is your child is having difficulties in school? Has your child been recommended a psychoeducational evaluation? Do you/your child struggle with things like screen tolerance, reading speed and/or comprehension, difficulty keeping track of your place while reading, eye strain, blurred and/or double vision, fatigue, etc. this assessment might be right for you.
In this assessment, Dr. Corriveau will help you determine the underlying visual causes of you/your child’s difficulties with work or school performance. Visual skills like tracking, changing focus, binocular vision, etc. will be assessed, and recommendations for a therapeutic lens prescription and/or a vision therapy program may be recommended to help address the issues you are experiencing.
This assessment is usually about 60minutes long for both children and adults.
Have you suffered a concussion? A stroke? Are you still experiencing visual symptoms that are significantly impacting your comfort level and your ability to do activities of daily living? This assessment might be right for you.
In this assessment, Dr. Corriveau will assess your visual skills like tracking, changing focus, binocular vision, etc. Often, post ABI/TBI, a visual midline shift is present, which can impact your depth perception, balance, dizziness, clumsiness, etc. Dr. Corriveau will take the time to rule out any visual midline shift as well. We understand that due to the nature of your symptoms, you may need rest breaks between testing procedures, and Dr. Corriveau will ensure to provide you with the breaks that you need throughout the assessment.
This assessment is usually about 90minutes long for adults. Children post-concussion usually take about 60minutes for this assessment.
Second Opinion
Are you looking for a second opinion? Have you moved to Ottawa from another city, and are looking to continue your vision therapy program?
During this assessment, Dr. Corriveau will test your visual visual skills (similarly to our other assessments) and compare her findings with your previous findings. We kindly ask that you provide us with a copy of your most recent report prior to the appointment, so that Dr. Corriveau can familiarize herself with your case, and to determine which testing procedures would be most beneficial for your assessment. Like our other assessments, Dr. Corriveau will then outline and discuss treatment options/recommendations.
This assessment typically lasts 30-60minutes for children, and 60minutes for adults.
Progress Review
Already started your vision therapy program? This quick reassessment usually comes after approximately 8-10 vision therapy sessions as a check-in where Dr. Corriveau will re-measure your visual skills in order to give both you and your vision therapist feedback on how your visual system is progressing.
This appointment is usually 20-30minutes in length for children and adults.